What are Aliexpress hidden links?

To comprehend the nature of AliExpress Hidden Links, one must first grasp the intricacies of AliExpress’s operational framework:

AliExpress strictly upholds policies that forbid vendors from offering counterfeit or imitation products of renowned brands. For instance, should AliExpress detect a seller peddling rebranded Adidas merchandise lacking written and lawful authorization from the original brand, punitive measures would be taken against the said seller.

In order to circumvent these stringent policies, AliExpress sellers often resort to two principal strategies:

Firstly, owing to the platform’s unwavering stance against selling replica brands, numerous vendors opt for employing name variations and alternative spellings of the replicated brand. Thus, “Adidas” may metamorphose into “Abibas” as a workaround.

The second stratagem, wherein AliExpress’s hidden links play a role, involves Alibaba sellers crafting “hidden links” for particular sales or items. Allow me to elucidate further: AliExpress hidden links are hyperlinks devised by sellers on the platform who specialize in vending rebranded or replica products. These covert links typically direct unsuspecting customers to the online stores of AliExpress sellers peddling such unauthorized brand replicas.
